Mulberry Farm in Da Teh
2000 m3 befouled with Nematodes
Meet Mr. Huyen, a old farmer in Da Teh who is facing a nematode infestations and soil acidity problems.
With a low ph value of average 3.5 - 4.5 on his loamy and condensed soil and the huge population of nematodes his harvests and his soil are in tremendous danger of not the right measurements are undertaken to renaturate his soil.
We were able to provide a customized bio-fertilizer solution that addressed these issues, resulting in healthier plants and improved yields. Learn more about this project and how we can help your farm today.

Nematode - Consequences
In this video, we clearly observe an abnormality in the root system. The roots exhibit anomalies. The fact that the roots are growing horizontally instead of vertically suggests not only the presence of nematodes but also a highly acidic soil.
This acidity is likely due to its dense, clay-like structure, which hinders proper water filtration, thereby submerging the roots in water. Since the roots now require oxygen, they grow upwards or sideways.
As the roots do not grow deep it is hard for the plant to uptake important trace elements and micro nutrients. The lack of Boron, Copper and Iron is cleary visible here.
Nemtode - Root development
Some nematode species, such as root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), are more tolerant of acidic or even highly acidic soil conditions. These nematodes are known to thrive in soils with a lower pH, often in the range of 4.0 to 5.5.
Root-knot nematodes are known to infest the roots of a wide range of plants, causing characteristic galls or swellings on the roots, which can lead to reduced growth and yield in affected mulberry trees.
Additionally, other plant-parasitic nematodes like lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) and dagger nematodes (Xiphinema spp.) may also attack mulberries and cause damage to their roots. The specific nematode species affecting mulberry plants can vary by region and environmental conditions.

AgriElite Fertilizer -
Increasing the ph Value
Since our organic fertilizer has a pH level of 7-8, it has the ability to raise the soil's pH value. Thanks to the highly concentrated microbiology, the pH level is maintained consistently within the range of 6 – 7. In this environment, nematodes are less comfortable and tend to seek a new habitat. In this setting, the available macronutrients are optimally accessible for a majority of plants.
To achieve this, we aerate the soil by gently working the surface, ensuring not to harm the plant roots, and mix the fertilizer into the uncolonized soil alongside
Adding AgriElite Biofertilizer

Mixing with soil

Adding microorganisms

Plant protection liquid and mix of fungi
After the fertilizer has been incorporated and mixed with the soil, we have applied a combination of mushroom cultures to the surface to enhance plant nutrition and soil aeration.
Subsequently, our organic plant protection, containing essential bacteria that shield the plant from herbicides and fungicides, was administered."
Team Picture

Agrivari says "thank you" to Mr. Huyen for letting us support his mulberry farm. We are very happy to join a professor from the institute of ecology and biological resources from Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology who is a specialist in the subject of nematodes.